7 Common Mistakes New Chicken Keepers Make (and How to Avoid Them)
Embarking on the journey of raising backyard chickens is an exciting and rewarding experience. However, many beginners encounter common pitfalls that can make their first steps more challenging tha...

Bumblefoot in Chickens: A Step-By-Step Guide to Prevention and Treatment
No chicken keeper wants to see their flock in pain, but sometimes health issues like Bumblefoot creep up. This common yet potentially serious condition affects chickens’ feet and can escalate if un...

Can Chickens Eat Tomatoes? A Juicy Guide to Safe Chicken Snacks
When it comes to feeding your flock, it’s natural to wonder what’s safe and what’s not. Chickens are adventurous eaters, but not everything in your kitchen or garden is chicken-friendly. One of the...

Decoding Chicken Behavior and Flock Body Language
Chickens might not speak your language, but their body language tells a lot about their emotions, health, and social structure. By paying close attention to your flock’s behaviors, you can better u...

Should You Add a Rooster to Your Flock? Pros and Cons of Keeping a Rooster with Your Hens
Thinking about adding a rooster to your flock? Many chicken keepers wonder whether a rooster is a good addition, especially if they’re raising chickens for eggs. Roosters come with unique advantage...

Rooster or Hen? Some Key Differences to Tell Hens and Roosters Apart
Curious if that chick will grow up to be a crowing rooster or a laying hen? Knowing the differences between hens and roosters can be handy for backyard chicken keepers, especially if you’re raising...

The Deep Litter Method for Backyard Chicken Coops: Everything You Need to Know
If you're raising chickens, keeping the coop clean and warm is likely at the top of your list. The Deep Litter Method for backyard chicken coops is an effective, natural way to keep your chickens w...

Diez problemas comunes con la calidad de la cáscara del huevo y soluciones prácticas
En este artículo, puede conocer los diez problemas comunes de la cáscara del huevo, su apariencia y el motivo del problema de la cáscara del huevo, lea ahora.

Los beneficios de agregar hierbas a la dieta de su pollo
¡Conozca los beneficios de agregar hierbas a sus pollos y las siete mejores hierbas para agregar, lea y agregue hierbas hoy!

Siete razones por las que tus gallinas dejan de poner huevos
Aparte de una causa natural como la edad, algo sale mal con tus hijas y, por supuesto, existen algunas soluciones que pueden ayudar.

¿Qué hace que las gallinas sean excelentes mascotas?
Estos amigos emplumados no sólo son excelentes para producir huevos frescos, sino que también son excelentes mascotas. Exploremos qué hace que las gallinas sean compañeras tan maravillosas.