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Concurso del Día de San Valentín 2023:
Las rosas son rojas
Las violetas son azules
amigos en la cooperativa
¡Ellos también estarán ahí para ti!
Se acerca el día más romántico del año: el día de San Valentín, un día en el que celebramos el amor y la amistad. ¡Nuestros amigos emplumados también merecen el día de San Valentín! ¡Hoy tienes la oportunidad de ganar una puerta automática para gallinero Chickcozy para regalar a tus amigos emplumados!
Simplemente comparte a continuación una historia breve e impresionante entre tú y tus amigos emplumados. Y elegiremos UN afortunado ganador al azar.
✨️UN ganador será elegido al azar y anunciado el 14 de febrero.
¡Buena suerte a todos ustedes!

Puede que te interese

Chickcozy automatic chicken coop door installed

17 comentarios

Tiffany Varga

Tiffany Varga

Spending as little as ten minutes a day with birds can boost your mental health is what the experts say & they sure are not wrong. I sustained a traumatic brain injury last February, the countless hours spent in therapy and drs visits to no avail, but the work I put in at home on my farm with my mixed flock ended up doing the trick with my flock. (Ducks,calls,chickens)I stumped the experts! It’s impressive how natures natural healing powers can be.

Stephanie Sierke

Stephanie Sierke

All of our hens have their own unique personalities, but one stands out above the rest- our California Tan, Poppy. She was the only yellow chick in a bin of Rhode Island Reds at Tractor Supply as a baby pullet. They said all the others had sold, and they didn’t want her to be alone, so they put her in there. Well, we couldn’t leave without her, so she came home with us. She knows she is special. When we go love on our hens, she is the only one who pecks our shoes until we pick her up! If I bend over to pet another one of her sisters, she hops on my back, then makes her way to my shoulder when I stand up! Poppy is so wonderful and has to be the center of attention all the time! ❤️

Lara Inglis

Lara Inglis

When I lost Phoenix & went to a local farm to pick out a chick I was looking at the little 1 wk old bantam Cochins. There was about 20 in the big bin. Then, a much older and larger chick from a bin over, jumped into their bin. Out of no where this one chick came from the pile and attacked that older chick, who was twice her size! And that’s how I ended up getting my small but mighty Bantam Cochin Frazzle, Falcon. ❤️

Bella Hill

Bella Hill

I can remember being around chickens as far back as my memory goes! My parents always raised them and collecting eggs was my all time favorite daily chore! I was also responsible for opening up their coop, feeding, and locking them up for the night! I always knew one day I’d have my own flock and last year it happened! Started with 7 chickens and 7 ducks and now we currently have an undetermined (50 ish?) Chickens, 14 ducks, and 2 turkeya! Chicken math is real!

Arleta Lambert

Arleta Lambert

Currently in the process of planning our coop for our feathered babes. My parents had chickens when I was a little girl and I remember walking in the coop with mom and gathering the eggs. The experience and knowledge of where your food comes from stuck with me and is something I’m looking forward to instill in my children. Many memories to be made!

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