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Join the Chickcozy Giveaway now!
2023 Valentine's Day Contest:
 Roses are red
 Violets are blue
 Friends at the coop
 They will be there for you too!
  The most romantic day of the year is fast approaching - Valentine's Day, a day when we celebrate love and friendship. Our feathered friends deserve Valentine’s day as well! Today you have a chance to win a Chickcozy automatic coop door to gift your feathered friends!
  Just share a short and impressive story below between you and your feathered friends. And we will pick ONE lucky winner at random.
✨️ONE winner will be picked at random and announced on Feb.14th
Good luck to you all!

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Chickcozy automatic chicken coop door installed


Garden chicken

Garden chicken

Chickens are my happy place, I love to go out and spend some time with them to just be able to relax and clear the mind, so many amazing things about them and they also supply u with lovely fresh eggs, always love helping new families get into poultry and see the joy it brings them that it has brought me ❤

Amy Miller

Amy Miller

We moved into a home that has a shed at the back of the yard that was not being used for anything. It’s at the edge of the woods behind a fence and was built for deer hunting. My husband and I take walks down the road and see chickens running around the yards of neighbors. We love to stop and watch them and never considered having our own. I saw a video about converting a shed into a chicken coop and we were so excited, I had never considered how easy that could be. We are getting local fertilized eggs this week and will hatch them with our kids. They are so excited to have chickens! Let the adventure begin.



While scrolling through an online marketplace, I came across a listing for some fertile eggs. I thought it would be fun to incubate some eggs and hatch some new lives into the backyard world, and it was more than I ever thought it would be! 6 years later, I have learned so much more than I ever knew before and have a few clean safe and happy flocks of chicken babes! 🥰 Now I’m NPIP clean and committed to maintaining the health of my flocks and those around me while also working to improve certain breeds and bring them to more people. Never thought an online search for chicks would ever lead me to where I am today! ❤️😄🐣



Well, today I’m going to tell you how I ended up having two chickens as a pet, a somewhat interesting story hahaha. Before I begin, I am going to tell you that on January 12 of last year, a fire occurred in my house that burned down my mother’s room, my brother’s room, and mine, leaving a large patio and some small walls that they separated our house from the neighbor’s house. A few days after the fire, there was one of those typical January storms that are very strong and flood all the streets. When the storm stopped, we went out to the sidewalk with my mom and we met my uncle, who is also my neighbor and we sat down to talk for a while. While we were there, my mom saw a chicken go by on the street across the street, which was very rare since you hardly ever see chickens on the street in my neighborhood. So since my uncle has some chickens in his fund, she told him to grab her to have another one. And he did. The next day, when I went to the bottom of my house, I saw that the chicken had gone to my bottom! So I called my uncle and he took her away. The next day I was at my bottom again, so he told me I could keep it and my mom didn’t want to have anything to do with that chicken. But my dad considered her a pet and in the end my mom became fond of her and named her Clotilde, we call her Cloti. That was the origin of one of my chickens, now I am going to tell you about the origin of my other chicken. One day, Cloti had run out of food to eat and we sent my dad to buy her some. When he came back, not only did he come back with the food, but he came back with a baby chick! With my mom we wanted to kill him!!! That chick ended up being my new hen, which we named Samantha, Sammy. I had to take care of her for about 3 months, we couldn’t leave her in the background because she was very small, and Cloti didn’t seem to like her and itched every time she saw her. Taking care of Sammy was very stressful but funny at the same time! He did a lot of mischief, for example once he fell into a bag and we couldn’t find it! And it made a very stressful noise: Pio pio pio! ALL THE TIME. Currently, Sammy and Cloti already get along well and live together in the background! They continue to behave badly haha, but we still love them very much and we are very fond of them! Now they are our pets, we had never had any pets before, and the truth is that we never imagined having two pet chickens but hey, things of fate!
Now i have 4 chickens, and it’s the best expierence of my life, i really love them so much! Btw i’m from Argentina!



I had just started hatching eggs. I let one of my Silkie girls, Peanut, go Broody (🙄 not like I had much of a choice) and let her have 6 eggs. I decided I would keep her in the house so that she wouldn’t get bothered by the other girls trying to come in the box with her and lay eggs, or be bothered by the roosters.

After the requisite 21 days we had pipping and we had some hatching one of the eggs had movement inside when I candled it but it hadn’t hatched yet I decided to give it another day or 2 because I expected it to hatch; but I couldn’t get Peanut to stay on the unmatched egg. She had 3 chicks & had given up on that one.
I was upset as it was still viable embryo & from one of my Ameraucana hens. But nothing I could do would convince her to sit. I moved a heat lamp over that end of the bin & hoped for the best..
The next day, there was I went to clean out the box & unhatched egg. As I scooped it all up I felt movement against my palm! The chick had pipped! Unfortunately, because it was under the heat lamp and it had been a while, it had started to shrink wrap, meaning the interior membrane of the egg had started to dry out and shrink around the chick making it impossible for anything but the strongest of chicks to break through and this chick definitely was not a strong chick.
I grabbed a mug and put some lukewarm water in it and started to put it in and drops so that the chick would get some water and then started to carefully moisten the membrane around the chick and then proceeded to spend the rest of the day helping the little one hatch out. He was a lot smaller than his siblings. He also was very weak. I set up another container with a heat lamp, and proceeded to make chick ICU for him. I spent the next 5 days sleeping and spending my days next to Ari as he would come to be known, with my hand down inside the container and him sleeping inside my hand. To say that we bonded is an understatement. He pulled through he even had Reiki treatments from a friend of mine in British Columbia and as she chatted with me via messenger and I sat next to him she said she would start right away and within 5 minutes I watched him get up and run across his plastic tote to the side where I was sitting. Coincidence? Maybe. But he suddenly had the energy to get up and run around when he was barely able to get up and stagger-walk from me to the water & food and back before I talked to her.
He was good to go from there on out eating and drinking, gaining weight, the only setback was when I tried to introduce him to other chickens he would run and hide behind me when he became an adult if any of the other chickens came near me he would attack them and run them off. He was three by the time he realized what a rooster was supposed to do with chickens I did finally get a son from him.
He stayed my beautiful feathered son his entire life. He would come up to me and scratch it my pant leg and look up at me and scratch again if I didn’t react right away asking to be picked up and cuddled I have video of it he liked me to preen the keratin sheath off of the new feather growth on the back of his neck and head when he got new feathers as it was very hard to reach there. And he just liked to be snuggled in general.
I will always miss you my Ari, my beautiful feathered Son. 💔🐓

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