Knowledge Base

Chickens standing near the coop door in winter with snow

7 Amazing Tips to Heat a Chicken Coop!

How can you keep your chickens warm during the cold winter months? As a passionate chicken owner, you know how important it is to provide a warm and cozy environment for your feathered friends. Col...

Artificial eggsfour eggs in the nesting box of chicken coop

3 Advantages of putting fake eggs in the nesting box

As chicken keepers, we understand the joy of collecting eggs each morning. However, it can be frustrating when hens consistently lay eggs in hidden spots. In this article, we will explore the ...

Chicken runChickens are scraching in the chicken run

Does a chicken run need a roof?

When it comes to raising chickens, there are many factors to consider to ensure their well-being and safety. One question that often arises is whether a chicken run needs a roof. Let's explore this...

brooder beddingChicks standing near cracked egg shells

5 Worst Chick Brooding Mistakes

Raising baby chicks can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but there are some common mistakes that new chicken keepers often make. Avoid these 5 chick-keeping blunders for healthier, happier ...

Auto chicken doorA white leghorn is standing infront of Chickcozy automatic chicken coop door

Why you need an automatic chicken coop door?

Walking to your chicken coop every morning can be enjoyable, but sometimes you may not have the time to do so. In such cases, an automatic chicken coop door can be a helpful solution. Read on to le...

A Silk and two chicks are drinking water from Chicken waterer

7 Summer Tips for Perfect Chicken Care

By following these summer tips, you can ensure that your chickens stay happy and healthy even in the hottest months. Remember, a little extra care goes a long way in keeping your feathered friends ...

Guide to Treating Foot Issues in Chickens

A Comprehensive Guide to Treating Foot Issues in Chickens

By understanding the common foot issues in chickens and taking preventive measures, you can ensure the well-being of your flock. Regularly inspecting their feet, maintaining a clean environment, an...

How to insulate a chicken coop in summer

How to insulate a chicken coop in summer

As summer temperatures rise, it's important to take steps to keep your backyard chickens cool and comfortable. One way to do this is by insulating your chicken coop. Insulation can help regulate t...

How to DIY the best wooden coop (2023)

Building a wooden chicken coop is a great DIY project that can provide your feathered friends with a safe and comfortable home. In this guide, we'll go over the main steps to build the best chicken...

Train chickens to coop at night

How to train chickens to coop at night?

Training chickens to coop at night is an important aspect of raising backyard chickens. It not only ensures the safety of the birds but also helps to prevent predator attacks and keeps the chicke...

Exploring Different Chicken Breeds

Exploring Different Chicken Breeds: From Bantams to Orpingtons

Raising backyard chickens offers a wide range of breeds to choose from, each with unique characteristics. In this blog post, we'll explore various breeds, including Bantams and Orpingtons, to help ...

The Best Animals to Keep with Backyard Chickens

The 5 Best Animals to Keep with Backyard Chickens for Companionship and Pest Control

If you're planning on keeping backyard chickens, you may be wondering what other animals can coexist with them. While chickens are generally easy to care for, it's important to choose compatible ...